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भूमि चयन

अथातः सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि लोकानां हितकाम्यया। 

श्वेतारक्ता तथा पीता कृष्णा वर्णानुपूर्वतः।। 24।।

सुगन्धा बा्रह्मणी भूमिः रक्तगन्धा तु क्षत्रिया।

मधुगन्धा भवेद् वैश्या मद्यगन्धा च शूद्रिका।। 25।।

मधुराब्राह्मणी भूमिः कषाया क्षत्रिया मता।

अम्ला वैश्या भवेद् भूमिः तिक्ता शूद्रा प्रकीर्तिता।। 26।।

भूमि चयन के लिए सबसे पहले भूमि के लक्षण का विचार कर लेना चाहिए। ज्योतिष में चार वर्णों की बात की गई है ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य और शूद्र। यहां हम लोग वास्तु की बात कर रहे हैं और वास्तु में भूमि की बात होती है इसे स्त्रीलिंग कहते हैं। हम लोग बोलचाल की भाषा में भी धरती माता कहते हैं, इसलिए यहां हमारे ऋषि-मुनियों ने अपने प्रयोग में इन वर्णों के स्त्रीलिंग का प्रयोग किया है ब्राह्मण के जगह ब्राह्मणी लिखा गया है, वैश्य की जगह वैश्या क्षत्रिय के जगह क्षत्रिया और शूद्र के जगह शूद्रा लिखा गया है। यहां हम लोग यह समझते हैं कि शब्दों के चयन के साथ-साथ उसके साधन का भी ध्यान रखा गया है ।

भूमि के लक्षण को समझने के लिए भूमि का रंग, सुगंध, स्वाद एवं उस भूमि में उत्पन्न होने वाले त्रिणादि (घास) से उसका विचार करने के लिए कहा गया है ।

यहां हम लोगों को सबसे पहले तो यह ध्यान रखना है कि यहां वर्णों के विषय में बताया जा रहा है ना कि जातियों के विषय में वर्तमान समय में वर्णनात्मक विश्लेषण को जाति के आधार पर विश्लेषण मानकर समझने की भूल ना करें और वर्णानात्मक विश्लेषण किसी के भी कर्म करने के आधार पर ही समझना उचित होगा ।

वास्तु में ब्राह्मण के जगह ब्राह्मणी का प्रयोग किया गया। ब्राह्मणी शब्द से यहां अर्थ यह समझना है कि जो सतोगुणी हों अर्थात पठन-पाठन आदि का कार्य करते हों सेवा के कार्य को करते हों दूसरों को ज्ञान देने का कार्य करते हों। ऐसे लोगों के लिए जिस प्रकार की भूमि होनी चाहिए उस भूमि को ही ब्राह्मणी कहेंगे।

क्षत्रिय के जगह पर क्षत्रिया शब्द का प्रयोग किया गया है। क्षत्रिय शब्द से अर्थ यह प्राप्त होता है कि जो लोग सुरक्षा के लिए कार्य करते हैं अर्थात सेना व पुलिस में कार्य करते हैं तथा समाज में किसी भी तरह के सुरक्षा के कार्य करते हैं। ऐसे सुरक्षा प्रदान करने वाले लोगों के लिए जिस प्रकार की भूमि बताई गई है उसे ही क्षत्रिया कहेंगे।

वैश्य के लिए वैश्या शब्द का प्रयोग किया गया है इसका अर्थ हम लोगों को यहां यह समझना है कि जो लोग व्यापार आदि के क्षेत्र में कार्य करते हैं, चाहे वह किसी भी तरह का व्यापार हो छोटा व्यापार हो या बड़ा व्यापार हो सभी व्यापारी वर्गों के लिए भूमि का जो लक्षण बताया गया है उसे ही वैश्या कहेंगे ।

शूद्र के जगह पर यहां शूद्रा शब्द का प्रयोग किया गया है इसका अर्थ यह होता है कि जो लोग भी शारीरिक श्रम से कार्य करते हांे उनके लिए इस प्रकार की भूमि का चयन करना चाहिए।

प्रश्न उठता है कि वर्तमान परिवेश में क्या इस प्रकार से चयन कारना संभव है? यदि नही ंतो  फिर इसका प्रयोग हम लोगों को कहां करना चाहिए। किस अर्थ में हम लोगों को इस विषय को समझना चाहिए, क्योंकि हमारे ऋषि-मुनियों के द्वारा जो कुछ भी लिखा गया वह सभी युगों-युगों तक किसी न किसी रूप से सार्थक माना जाता है। हम लोग आगे वास्तु निर्माण के लिए भूमि जैसे स्कूल, अस्पताल, आश्रम, कल कारखाने, व्यवसायिक या गरीब को दिये जाने वाले स्थान आदि बनाने के लिए जब भूमि का चयन करें तो उस समय यदि इन बातों का ध्यान रखा जाए तो सर्वथा उचित होगा और बनाए गए वास्तु को साकारात्मक उर्जा मिलेगी जिससे आप अपने जीवन में सुखी व समृद्ध हो सकेंगे।

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Information About "VIRGO ZODIAC SIGN" According To VEDIC ASTROLOGY
Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Virgo zodiac sign is a dual sign. This means that the Virgo sign has the qualities of both variable and constant sign. This can also be seen in Virgo person. They remain in dilemma regarding every subject, there is trouble in deciding right and wrong.

Virgo zodiac is the earth element dominant sign. Such people want to do any work with determination

Virgo zodiac is the dominant sign of Tamogun, due to which there is an excess of Tamogun in nature, due to which it is natural to get angry, unnecessarily angry and it may be in their nature to criticize others.

Virgo zodiac is a female zodiac sign. Female zodiac sign can also be called even zodiac sign. Gentleness and softness can easily be seen in their behavior.

Virgo zodiac sign is a Deevawali sign.

The Virgo zodiac sign is the Vaat dosha dominant sign. There is an excess of the air element, such people may get diseases related to this dosha soon.

Virgo zodiac owns the south direction.

Virgo zodiac is the zodiac sign of Vaisya Varna. Such people achieve more success in the field of business. They have the ability to do any work continuously and with full confidence.

The shape of Virgo is like a girl sitting on the boat, with a lamp in one hand and grain in the other hand. The lord of Virgo zodiac is Mercury, The constellations that come under it are Uttara Phalguni, hasta, and Chitra. In the horoscope of Kaal Purush, it owns the sixth house.


Virgo is highly intelligent, art-loving, leadership qualities, determined, easy-going, fond of reading, writing, playful-minded, passionate, visionary, and reflective. Virgo likes to observe deeply and have a broad outlook. They have the ability to do any work on the basis of intelligence and skill, they are of soft nature. If the people of Virgo zodiac are determined to do any work, then they have the ability to perform that task very beautifully. The external personality is serious. Virgos are more patient than others. They're always willing to see the best in people and are willing to give people time when they need it to shape up their act. Virgos are also humble and affectionate. Virgos can also be chronic over-thinkers. Their minds are so busy all the time, constantly thinking about things they need to do or how they can get ahead on their next project. This means they also overthink emotions and relationships. Virgos throw themselves into their creativity as much as their other passions. Their creativity is always flowing and they use mediums like art, dance, and writing as an outlet.

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Information About "LEO ZODIAC SIGN" According To VEDIC ASTROLOGY
Monday, 21 June 2021

Leo is a constant zodiac sign. There is an abundance of thoughts and behavior. They feel trouble in giving quick decisions and take more time to take any decision.

Leo zodiac is a fire element sign. Such people have an excess of the fire element, they get angry soon. The predominance of overconfidence is more in them.

Leo zodiac is an odd zodiac sign, the person of Leo zodiac has a tendency to do good deeds, a sense of contentment and the ability to receive knowledge.

Leo zodiac is a male zodiac sign. It is also called an odd zodiac sign. Leo person whether male or female feels masculine quality in them.

Leo is a Pitta dosha dominant zodiac sign, due to the excess of fire element in such people, problems related to this can arise quickly. They have to face problems related to stomach.

Leo is the owner of the east direction.

Leo zodiac is the zodiac of Kshatriya Varna. They are constantly ready for their own safety and for the safety of other people and they are ready for those tasks which are rare to do for others.

The shape of a Leo is like a lion who likes to live in a cave. Leo is the fifth zodiac sign and its color is white. The constellations under Leo zodiac are Magha, Purva Phalguni, and Uttara Phalguni. In Kaalpurush horoscope the fifth house is owned by the Sun.


The people of Leo are ambitious, cheerful. They are fond of art and literature. They are enthusiastic, confident, punctual, idealistic, and tolerant. Responsibility can be expected from them. These people like authority. They have the ability to handle themselves in any situation. They are honest. They like discipline and administration. Generosity and freedom are found more in them. Leadership in the nature of such people can be seen. They leave their influence on others. The style of living of such people is like a king. They can adapt to any situation and survive in any circumstances. They need attention sometimes. Naturally, they become the center of attraction. They are practical and fun-loving people. They are liberal and caring. They keep their mind calm in good or bad circumstances. They know how to handle others. They want good friends and company like a king. They like to give orders and instructions. They are confident and always keep themselves aware. They are dedicated to their work and commitment. They have great management and administrative skills.

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Sunday, 20 June 2021

Cancer is a movable zodiac sign. The nature and thoughts of the people of the zodiac are quickly changeable, such people do not stick to their words, it is in their nature to understand something quickly.

Cancer is a water element dominant zodiac sign. Gentleness is found in the people of such zodiac and there is an excess of the water element, there water-related diseases are the predominance of times.

Cancer is a Satoguni zodiac sign. The people of the Cancer zodiac sign have a sense of satisfaction, stability, and contentment in their nature.

Cancer zodiac is a female sign. This shows that the person is soft.

Cancer is the Kapha dosha dominant sign. Such people may have problems related to water quickly, these people often suffer from the problem of cold and flu.

Cancer is in the north direction.

Cancer zodiac is Brahmin varna, such a person gives a sense of gentleness and coolness, it is in their nature to do work efficiently and understand situations with understanding.

The shape of Cancer is like a crab that likes to live in water. Its color is blood white. The constellations under Cancer are Punarvasu, Pushya, and Ashlesha. The lord of Cancer is Moon in the horoscope of Kaal Purush. Cancer zodiac is owned by the fourth house.


The people of Cancer are gentle, playful, sensitive, and tender, their thoughts change quickly. Cancer people are very talkative. Cancer people are humorous, new thoughts keep coming into their minds every day and their thoughts change. Their nature is psychological, the people of Cancer zodiac are entertainment-loving and free-thinking, tenderness, serenity is visible in their nature. Cancer people are very sensitive and curious. They are agitated and also get upset quickly, they love entertainment. They are confident and honest. The people of Cancer are caring for others and are emotional. There is a lot of sense of humor. They seek comfort. They are moody. Such people are full of emotions. Emotional ups and downs can be seen from time to time. They try to pretend that everything is going on smoothly and hide their problems. They love arts, entertainment and old stories, and so on. They just want to stay at home or at one place and lead a comfortable life that should be full of emotions and feelings. They fall in love easily. They are shy and unable to express their feelings.

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Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Gemini whose lord is Mercury, the mysterious planet. Why? Have you ever thought? Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. It is the first of the two signs of mercury and owns the third house in the Kaal Purush horoscope.

Gemini zodiac sign is a dual sign. Geminis are constantly stuck in dilemma; it is in their nature to think twice about any decision. Sometimes there is difficulty in reaching the final decision.

Gemini is the air element sign. Their thoughts change very quickly, it is in their nature to catch and leave any work, they can be very hasty about any subject.

Gemini is a Tamoguni zodiac sign, due to the excess of Tamogun, it is natural for the people of Gemini to get angry quickly.

Gemini is a female zodiac sign. Whether the person of such a zodiac is a woman or a man, there is an abundance of masculine qualities such as cruelty, haste, and fierceness is seen at the place.

Gemini is a tridosha dominant zodiac sign that is dominated by all three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are problems related to all three doshas, which can be difficult to understand at times.

Gemini is the lord of the west direction

Gemini is the zodiac sign of Shudra Varna, such people do not hold back from doing hard work and have a sense of service towards their work.

Its color is green, the sign of Gemini is a pair of men and women, a harp in the hand of a woman and a mace in the hand of a man, both are in the dance posture, the constellations under the sign of Gemini are Mrigashira Ardra and Punarvasu. Has the ownership of the third house, considers both the throat, the shoulder, and the arm with Gemini, the lord of Gemini is Mercury.


Gemini people are intelligent, playful, humorous, skilled in the art but have a dilemma in mind. Geminis are business-minded. Gemini people are fond of reading and writing, they are prone to anger in nature. The people of the zodiac never like to sit empty. Sometimes they get agitated and upset too. They have a special interest in dance, art, sports, etc. They have a desire to move forward in business, Gemini. Geminis are great thinkers, have a special interest in propagation and business, the people of Gemini zodiac are rich in versatility, they are of independent thoughts, soon to accept this challenge. They are ready to get angry and become calm very soon. Gemini people never see a calm vision, their mind is always dynamic. Geminis are easy-going and adjustable. They are fond of learning new things and new subjects. They can pick the knowledge quickly and get in a funny mood sometimes. They are good communicators and sensitive learners. They are comfortable with everyone. Their destination is not even decided and they can get involved in lots of work at a time. Their facial expressions are amazing and they are a natural actor. They want quick and instant results. This nature of Geminis can create problems sometimes. They are talkative and love to join and meet people. They are flexible and smart. They are confused in taking decisions and for that, they need someones support.

The above information is not completed yet. We will try to give our best. why mercury always creates a dilemma and grasp the nature of the other planet. will understand this in the coming series..

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Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. It is the first of the two signs of Venus and owns the second house in Kaal Purush horoscope. Venus is the lord of both the signs but there is a difference between the two. Let us try to take brief information about Taurus so that misconceptions can be cleared.

Taurus zodiac sign is a fixed zodiac sign, there is a lack of variability in their nature and thoughts, they are firm in their nature, it is difficult for them to accept changeability according to time.

Taurus zodiac sign is the earth element dominant sign. A sense of determination is found in the people of Taurus. You can rely on such people for any work. The responsibility of any work can be given to such people.

Taurus zodiac sign is a Rajo-guni zodiac sign, the people of the Taurus zodiac have a lot of Rajoguni and it is their desire to get such comfort. Such people want to get all the materialistic pleasures.

Taurus zodiac sign is a female sign, we also call it an even zodiac sign. Gentleness is found in the people of Taurus, whether they are male or female. There is more gentleness in the way of speaking in their behavior and thoughts.

The Taurus zodiac sign is the Ratribali sign. The people of Taurus can do any work with determination and without getting tired.

Taurus zodiac sign is a sign of Vayu dosha, in such people, there is an excess of the air element, and diseases related to Vayu dosha can be found.

Taurus zodiac sign is the lord of South direction.

Taurus zodiac is the zodiac sign of Vaishya Varna, the people of Taurus zodiac get more success in the field of business because such people want to do any work continuously, such people engage in any work with full confidence.

The shape of Taurus is like a bull, this zodiac is Chatush Pada, its color is white. Taurus has the ownership of the second house in the horoscope of Kaal Purush. The face, eyes, etc., are considered from Taurus, the lord of Taurus is Venus. The constellations that come under the zodiac are Kritika, Rohini, and Miragashira.


Taurus people have a stable nature. Taurus people are tolerant and hardworking. They like to work strongly; the people of Taurus zodiac try hard and diligently to complete any work. The people of the zodiac are a bit stubborn by nature, responsibility can be expected from them. They do every task with full heart and diligence. Taurus people are attractive, they have a lot of desire in them. There is no change in thoughts Taurus. The people who have the ability to work in an odd situation, practicality is in their quality. Such people are mainly calm and gentle. They have strong mental abilities. Such people are reliable and responsible. Taurus people realize his responsibility, duty, responsibility, and credibility.

The above information is not completed yet. We will try to give our best. The nature of any person is judged on the basis of the characteristics, ownership, doshas any other effects that we will understand incoming series.

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Information About "ARIES ZODIAC SIGN" According To VEDIC ASTROLOGY
Tuesday, 22 June 2021

We keep hearing about zodiac signs every day. We consider the statements made according to the zodiac to be true, but in reality, it is not so. There are people of only 12 zodiac signs in the whole world and everyone's nature, gestures, thoughts are different from each other. How is that possible? It is very important to understand the zodiac signs in detail. Here we are not giving detail but would like to give brief information so that the misconceptions can be cleared. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Let's start with Aries.

Aries Zodiac sign is the zodiac of movable nature. Being a movable sign, the thoughts of such a person remain movable. It is in their nature to change their thoughts according to time. Such people accept change very quickly.

Aries Zodiac sign is the fire element sign. Due to the nature of fire, there is cruelty in the nature of the person of Aries. Such people soon get excited about something.

Aries Zodiac sign is the dominant zodiac sign, there is a lack of satisfaction in the people of Aries. They have a desire to get anything quickly and there is a constant movement and desire to get everything.

Aries Zodiac sign is a male sign. The male zodiac is also called the odd zodiac, the nature of such people is masculine. The people of Aries, even if the zodiac sign of women is Aries, there is an abundance of the masculine in their nature. The masculine qualities are visible in the thoughts, way of acting, and behavior. Here instead of mildness, there is more cruelty and ferocity.

Aries Zodiac sign is the Ratribali sign. The people of such zodiac are eager to work even at night.

Aries Zodiac sign is the Pitt dosha dominant sign. There is an excess of Pitt dosha in the people of Aries sign. Such natives are more prone to diseases related to pitta dosha.

Aries Zodiac sign is the owner of the east direction. Such natives get more success in the east direction.

Aries Zodiac sign is the zodiac sign of Kshatriya varna. Such natives are ready to provide security to others and stay ahead in fighting.

The shape of Aries is like a sheep. This zodiac is Chatush pada Rashi and its color is red. Aries is placed in first house in the horoscope of Kaal Purush. This is the zodiac sign of Mars. Under Aries, there are Nakshatra Ashwini, Bharani, and one charana of Kritika. This zodiac sign represents the head. Its fractional extent is from 0 degrees to 30 degrees.

Human Nature of Aries sign

Aries people are independent-minded. Aries people are adventurous, passionate and like to think scientifically. The natives are rational, energetic, full of enthusiasm and generosity. Their anger is temporary because their nature is changeable. Likes to understand any subject matter logically. Such people have more ability to understand other people and they know how to present their point effectively. They have the ability to plan. The people of Aries are fast-paced and optimistic. They are ambitious as well as independent-minded. Aries represents the head in the horoscope of Kaal Purush, being situated in the Ascendant. Aries is given priority for diseases related to the head. The people of Aries are reliable, the people of Aries are constantly on the move and try to move forward with inspiration in life. Being generous, he is dear to his friends and relatives.

The above information is very brief. How many facts will have to be understood to know the basics and the nature of the person? Telling someone's future is not an easy job.